Die Erdbeben im Osten Afghanistans betrafen die Provinzen Nangarhar, Kunar und Laghman.
Die am stärksten betroffenen Gebiete befinden sich in Kunar, in denen vor allem der Distrikt Noorgal von Kunar schwer getroffen wurde und Leben und Häuser von Menschen beschädigt hat.
Report Kunar
“ On 06 September 2022 the earthquake shook the eastern province of Afghanistan Kunar, lots of people were reported dead and injured. These two villages are far from the city limit and are in the middle of mountains.
To distribute donations from Austria, I traveled to Wader and Shalat villages of Noorgal district of Kunar province on the 23rd of September, where families suffered from the earthquake (six people were killed and nine injured) and their living residence were demolished.
First edible stuff + cash equal to 25 Euro (to cover their taxi fare from home to the hospital back and forth) were distributed to the most needed 9 x families.
These two villages are far located villages. It is about more than an hour walk from the main road and the people have already suffered a lot in the past 30 years because of the war and are faced with poverty and they have fewer living facilities.“
… eine kleine unterstützung